Ticket office

Full € 10
Reduced € 8


Opening hours

Tuesday to Saturday 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m

Sunday 3 p.m. – 7 p.m.
closed on Mondays

ticket office closes half an hour earlier

holiday openings: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Easter 20 April,  Easter Monday 21 April, 25 April, 1 May, 2 June

special openings
17 May Museum Night 9 a.m. – midnight

Holiday openings

26 dicembre 2024
1 gennaio e 6 gennaio 2025

Extraordinary openings

Group reservations


Get your ticket



6 €


5 €

Residents of the Municipality of Ravenna, military personnel, civilian volunteers, over 65, teachers

card holders
ACI, ARCI Ravenna, Arte Amica FMR Symposium, Associazione Nazionale Dopo Lavoro Ferroviario, Assocral, Atlantide, Camping Piomboni, CAPIT, Card Cultura, Club Punto al Sicuro, Confcommercio, Correntisti La Cassa di Ravenna, Coop Adriatica, Cral Comune Ra, ECTS -ISIC-ITIC Centro turistico studentesco, Emergency, ENDAS, Feltrinelli CartaEffe, FIAF, G.S. Robur Angelo Costa, Hera, IKEA FAMILY, ITALIA NOSTRA, IVM club, Selecard, Soci Touring Club, UNICREDIT Carta Replay, UNPLI unione pro-loco, Jojob Carpooling Aziendale, dipendenti IKEA Rimini


ticket holders

Museo Nazionale di Ravenna, Casa delle Farfalle di Milano Marittima, Centro visite Saline di Cervia, NatuRa – Museo Ravennate di Scienze Naturali “Alfredo Brandolini”, Rocca di Riolo Terme, Mic Faenza, Mirabilandia, Trilogia d’Autunno- Ravenna

Students reduction:

3 €

students aged 14 and over and academics, universities

card holders

YoungER Card, Carta DOC, Cartagiovani euro 30 RA,  Carta EYCA, Gio Card Faenza, FAI.

ticket holders

Domus dei Tappeti di Pietra, Cripta Rasponi

MAR Card:

10 €
A card that entitles unlimited entry to the museum’s permanent collections and is valid for one year. Presenting it at the ticket office, users will be able to visit the MAR and its collections: from the ancient one with the new cell display, to the contemporary section with works by Zorio, Banksy and Cattelan. The entire ground floor with the contemporary mosaic collection, the new acquisitions of mosaic works, and Sacral, the installation in the museum cloister by Edoardo Tresoldi, can also be visited with the card.
The Mar Card is nominative and is valid for one year from the date of activation and entitles the holder to reduced rates for temporary exhibitions.
further benefits of the MAR Card:
  • 10% discount on drinks at the MAR Art Caffe
  • special reduced admission to the Domus dei tappeti di Pietra 4 €
  • special reduced admission to the Classis Museum Ravenna 5 €


  • Handicapped persons and accompanying persons
  • Children up to 14 years of age
  • Invalids
  • ICOM
  • Teachers with schoolchildren
  • Journalists and tour guides with badges
  • Over 80s
  • AIMC card holders
  • Every Wednesday Under 26


Where we are

Ci trovate in Via di Roma, 13, 48121 Ravenna RA

Questa mappa mostra il MAR – Museo d’Arte della Città di Ravenna. Puoi visitare la mappa completa su Google Maps.

Museum Shop

Dopo aver ammirato le straordinarie opere d’arte esposte al Museo d’Arte della città di Ravenna (MAR), non perdete l’occasione di visitare il Museo Shop, situato all’interno dello stesso complesso monumentale della Loggetta Lombardesca.

Il Museo Shop del MAR offre un’ampia gamma di prodotti legati al museo, alle sue collezioni e alle mostre temporanee in corso.

Biglietteria MAR Museo d'Arte della Città di Ravenna
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